Feel Relaxed During Treatment With IV Sedation In East Lansing, MI

At East Lansing Modern Dental, we understand that dental visits can bring on debilitating anxiety and fear in many patients. Unfortunately, putting off regular preventive care as well as necessary restorative treatments can cause significant oral and overall health issues. That’s why we’re happy to offer patients with dental fear and/or anxiety a sedation option that will help them get the care they need while ensuring that they’re comfortable in the process

What is IV sedation?

A medical sedative that’s administered intravenously through a vein, this form of sedation works quickly and can be adjusted based on the needs of the patient and the procedure being performed. While it’s commonly utilized for oral surgeries and lengthy cosmetic or reconstructive dental treatments, it’s also helpful for routine dental treatments when dental anxiety or phobia is a concern.

Most patients will start to feel calm and somewhat groggy soon after the sedative has been administered. While they remain awake and able to communicate, many report that they have little to no memory of the procedure with this form of sedation. Patients often recover very quickly following the use of IV sedation. When compared to the effects of oral sedation or general anesthesia, patients who choose IV sedation experience a quicker recovery time overall.

Process Overview

  • Consultation and Evaluation: Our dentist will speak with you to discuss and inquire about your medical history, detail the treatment, and make sure IV sedation is an option.
  • Pre-Procedure Preparation: Patients usually have to avoid eating or drinking for a certain amount before their appointment.
  • Sedative Application: Our dentist will administer the sedative intravenously and adjust sedation levels as required.
  • Vital Sign Tracking: Your health signs, such as heart rate and pressure, are watched carefully throughout the procedure by our dentist. Although you feel and remain very relaxed, you will still be awake while you’re chairside.
  • Post-Procedure Recovery: After completing the procedure, patients usually need some to feel normal again after being sedated. It’s important to have someone else to take you home and once you are home, spend some time resting.
  • Next Steps: If needed, another appointment can be made to assess their recovery and determine whether any other treatment is needed.

Who Is A Candidate For IV Sedation?

Patients who require extensive dental work, have a low pain threshold, suffer from severe dental anxiety, or find it difficult to remain still during procedures are good candidates for IV sedation. It assists by inducing a profound state of relaxation that permits patients to be at ease and anxiety-free while still being awake. This approach is especially helpful for people who have had painful dental procedures or for whom local anesthesia is insufficient to seek tranquility and comfort during dental procedures.

Are you wondering if IV sedation is right for you? If you’re curious about whether you’re a candidate and struggle with dental-related anxiety or want to feel relaxed during treatments, call us, East Lansing Modern Dental, at (517) 210-0428 today, and we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Dentist performing a procedure on a patient under IV sedation

Contact East Lansing Modern Dental About IV Sedation Today!

  • Ease dental anxiety and/or phobia
  • Get the care you need
  • Have multiple services performed in one appointment
  • Reduce your ability to remember your visit once it’s complete
  • Experience calming effects right away!

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