The Best Dental Care Advice for Children

Kid portrait holding paper icon

The oral health of the child is something that every parent should be concerned about, especially as they are growing. Sweet foods, especially those with high sugar content, are very popular with kids. Unfortunately, the foods that are highest in sugar are the worst for your teeth and gums. Therefore, it is crucial to give young children special attention to their teeth and overall oral hygiene.

Here are some tips to ensure good dental hygiene.

Oral Hygiene for Infants

Contrary to popular belief, infants arrive in the world with all 20 of their milk teeth. They are, however, concealed beneath the gums and are not visible. Your baby's teeth will start to erupt from their gums after some time, typically six months.

Once the teeth are visible, it is time to start taking good care of them. Some experts even suggest starting with the oral care regime even before the first tooth pops out. This is important since healthy gums determine healthy teeth.

Here are a few tips to help you take good care of your child’s teeth:

  • Make sure you wipe your baby's gums after feeding them. This is important to rid of bacteria that can contribute to tooth decay at an early age.
  • After the child is done drinking its milk, make sure you take the bottle away to prevent tooth decay.
  • Once the teeth begin to appear, it is time to start brushing them at least twice a day. Make sure you use a fluoride toothpaste in small quantities. Additionally, it would be best if you use a soft-bristle toothbrush when brushing.
  • Schedule a visit to a trusted dentist or pediatric specialist before your child turns a year old or right after their teeth erupt to ensure your baby’s teeth and gums are normal.

Oral Hygiene for Your Children

As your child grows, you must be careful not to alter your child's oral hygiene routine. By the time they turn three, most children have lost all of their baby teeth. These young teeth are also referred to as primary teeth.

The primary teeth do not last very long, and your child's primary teeth are most likely to fall out by the time they are six years old. The adult or permanent teeth will then start to erupt, and there will typically be small spaces between them. The entire permanent set of teeth should be in place by the time your child is 13 years old.

Here are a few things you can do to help your child develop good oral hygiene:

  • Make sure that your child brushes their teeth twice a day.
  • Visit your pediatric dentist at least twice a year.
  • Use a pearl-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste to brush their teeth and make sure they spit it out after brushing.
  • Start flossing their teeth as soon as adjoining teeth begin to touch each other. Experts even recommend starting early to develop a good lifetime habit.
  • Assist your child when brushing and flossing their teeth to ensure they do not miss out on any back teeth.

Final Thoughts

No matter the person's age, practicing good oral hygiene is a lifelong habit that never loses its importance. Of course, the hygiene regimen must adapt as children move through different life stages. It is up to parents to enforce these habits in children so they can keep their best smile.

East Lansing Modern Dental is a seasoned pediatric dentist. Contact them today to get the best possible dental care for your little ones.