If you have one or more teeth that need repair or replacement, your dentist can restore them with a bridge or a crown. Before deciding which treatment is right for you, it's important that you understand the differences between these two options.
Keep reading to learn more about dental crowns and bridges and what to expect when getting them.
What Is a Dental Crown?
A crown is a cap that covers the entire tooth and restores its shape, size, strength, and appearance. It is usually placed over a damaged tooth that cannot be treated with filling material alone, such as a tooth that requires a root canal.
Dental crowns can last decades, making them a good option for long-term use without having to undergo tooth extraction.
What Is a Dental Bridge?
Dental bridges are fake teeth (called pontics) that are held in place by the teeth on either side of the gap left by the missing tooth. The bridge is held in place by dental cement, and its color is matched to your natural teeth. It can be made out of porcelain, metal, or plastic material.
Unlike a single crown, a bridge covers multiple adjacent teeth instead of just one isolated one.
What to Expect When Getting Dental Crowns
When getting dental crowns, the dentist will take an impression of your teeth and send it to a dental lab where they make a mold of your mouth. Porcelain, ceramic or metal alloys are used to make this special cap that fits over the remaining part of your natural tooth.
During the Procedure
You will receive an anesthetic during the procedure to ensure that you don’t feel any pain or discomfort. Any damaged pulp in your tooth will be cleaned out, and a temporary crown will be placed. After a few weeks, you will be able to get your permanent dental crown bonded to your tooth.
What to Expect When Getting Dental Bridges
Both dental crowns and bridges will typically involve two or more visits to your dentist. The first visit is the preparation, where your dentist will remove any decay in the teeth surrounding your missing tooth and prepare them for the placement of a dental bridge. The second visit entails actually placing the permanent bridge in place on either side of the gap left by your missing tooth. The final step involves cementing down all three of these components, so they stay firmly secured together.
During the Procedure
As with dental crowns, you will receive a local anesthetic. If you require any root canals or extractions, they will be performed, after which the impressions of your teeth will be taken. You will receive a temporary bridge while your permanent bridge is being prepared, and in a few weeks, you will have a follow-up appointment to get your permanent bridge fixed.
If you are interested in getting dental work done, it will help to know all the details. The more you understand your options, the easier it will be to make an informed decision. To learn more, Contact us at East Lansing Modern Dental today! With on-time, next-day, walk-in appointments, and 24-hour emergency care, we’re always here for you.