Preserve Your Natural Tooth With Root Canal Treatment In East Lansing, MI
Endodontist in East Lansing, MI, which is commonly known as root canal therapy, is the branch of dentistry that focuses on diseases and injuries of the dental pulp, the soft tissues inside every tooth. Its purpose is to save a natural tooth, heal infection, and to relieve pain.
Did you know that more than 14 million teeth receive endodontic treatment yearly? By choosing endodontic treatment, you are deciding to keep your natural teeth!
What oral health issues can endodontic treatment address?
- Deep Decay – When many people think of cavities, they think of them as only affecting the surface of a tooth or tooth root. But what can happen if the decay is not detected and removed and the resulting damage is repaired? The decay will continue to spread, reaching the interior of the tooth. When it does, the infection begins to involve the nerve and surrounding tissues, causing inflammation, further infection, and pain.
- Tooth Fractures – Many of us have fine vertical cracks on the surface of our teeth. They’re called craze lines. They are very superficial and are not serious – they don’t affect the health or function of teeth and require no treatment. But when the cracks are fractures – actual breaks in the hard enamel that protects the inner tooth pulp – that’s where root canal therapy comes in as the sensitive nerve is exposed to bacteria in the mouth, food, and varying extreme temperatures (when you drink hot coffee or eat cold ice cream, for example). The result is pain. When a tooth fracture originates in the tooth root, it may not be noticeable to you until infection in the bone or gums sets in.
- Trauma/Injury – If a tooth sustains trauma (for example, impact during sports or severe decay), the tooth nerve may die. When this happens, the pulp inside the tooth needs to be removed and replaced with a filler to save it and prevent tooth loss.
If you have questions about endodontic care, call us, your dentist in East Lansing, at (517) 210-0428, we want to help you enjoy every day with a pain-free, healthy, beautiful smile!
Contact East Lansing Modern Dental About Root Canal Treatment Today!
- Remove infection in the root of the tooth
- Improve overall oral health
- Eliminate pain so you can smile again
- Save your damaged tooth
- Prevent the spread of infection to maintain a healthy smile!
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