At East Lansing Modern Dental, we know that countless studies have found that a stunning smile makes a lasting impression and boosts self-confidence! If you’re considering using dental veneers to mask broken, chipped, mildly misaligned, and/or stained teeth, it’s essential to understand which types of veneers are available, their advantages, and the average cost you can expect to pay for each.
Keep reading to learn more!
Understanding Veneer Types And Prices
Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made shells bonded to the front of teeth. They are durable and highly stain-resistant, making them a great option for patients interested in updating and/or upgrading their smile esthetic. Crafting and placing these veneers often requires two visits to our office, and when cared for diligently, they can last for many years.
Cost: Because porcelain veneers are known for their durability, stain resistance, and natural-looking effect, they are more expensive than composite options. Composite veneers are made from the same material used in composite fillings and dental bonding and offer a quick and convenient solution for addressing chips, unwanted gaps between teeth, minor stains/discolorations, and other cosmetic concerns. One of their key advantages is that they can often be placed in one visit, making them a more time-efficient option in comparison to porcelain veneers.
Cost: Composite veneers are more affordable than porcelain options, making them popular for patients seeking budget-friendly improvements to their smiles.
It’s important for patients to understand that composite veneers have certain limitations. While effective, they are not as durable or long-lasting as porcelain veneers and they are more prone to staining/discolorations and may require more frequent maintenance or replacement.
Placing Veneers: Porcelain Vs. Composite
Before creating and placing veneers, our team will carefully examine your smile visually and, in some cases, with X-rays. If we determine that you are a viable candidate (good oral health is vital), we will discuss treatment options, listen to your needs and goals, and work with you to develop a plan to help.
If you choose to move ahead with porcelain veneers, they will be meticulously crafted to update the size, shape, and color of your teeth per your goals. In many cases, this process takes approximately two weeks and two visits. If you prefer composite veneers, our team will create, apply, bond, and sculpt engineered resin to the outer surface of your teeth in just one visit.
Benefits of Porcelain Veneers Over Composite Veneers
While each option can update the look of your smile, porcelain veneers may be the ideal choice for patients seeking a long-lasting upgrade. Here’s why.
Stain Resistance: These natural-looking, strong shells can not only cover stubborn stains, discolorations, and yellowing, but once placed, they can also help keep your smile looking great by resisting stains from tea, coffee, and other common culprits.
Long-Lasting: The smile-transforming effects of customized porcelain veneers can last for many years with diligent, daily care.
Minimal Maintenance: Caring for porcelain veneers requires brushing, flossing, avoiding chewing on hard objects, and routine dental checkups. Patients who update their smiles with veneers should also note that a nightguard and/or a sports mouthguard can be incredibly helpful in keeping veneers looking and feeling great in the short and long term.
Your lifestyle, esthetic preferences, and financial situation all play a role in selecting the best veneers for you. If you’re interested in learning more about which option is right for you, schedule a consultation with our East Lansing Modern Dental team today!