The Top Benefits of Getting Dental Veneers


If you’re considering opting for dental veneers but are still on the fence about it, consider the following statistic. According to research, 53% of patients with porcelain dental veneers survived without dental intervention for ten years. Whether you want to cover up dental issues such as a chipped or discolored tooth or are self-conscious about your smile, going for dental veneers is a smart choice. Here are seven reasons why:

1.   It’s a Simple Procedure

Dental veneers enable dentists to repair the teeth quickly and simply cosmetically. Dental veneers are nothing but medical-grade porcelain cemented to the front of the teeth. It is a quick cosmetic procedure that offers a solution for various tooth issues such as chipped teeth, missing teeth, gaps between teeth, misshapen teeth, or stained and discolored teeth.

2.   They Provide a Natural Appearance

The veneers are the same color as your teeth and are customized to each individual's requirements. This means the color of your tooth enamel and the contour of your natural teeth are considered. Veneers even reflect light similar to your natural teeth. Plus, they don't stain easily, making them a perfect choice.

3.   It’s a Minimally Invasive Procedure

The dentist simply removes half a millimeter off the treated tooth’s front surface. In the crowning procedure, a lot more is removed. Once the tooth surface is shaved down, dentists use a special cement to overlay each veneer properly. Note that this procedure requires little or no anesthesia, making it super convenient. This also means that you don't have to endure the dreaded tooth pain or go through the inconvenience of wearing braces.

4.   It’s Durable and Stain-Resistant

Dental veneers are more durable, permanent, and resist staining and decay more than natural teeth. They are also non-porous. With proper maintenance, they can last anywhere between 10 to 15 years.

5.   There is Easy Maintenance

Maintaining your dental veneers is the same as maintaining your teeth. All you need to do is brush twice a day and floss once. You can schedule an appointment with your dentist to maintain the natural shine as well.

6.   It’s a Permanent Tooth Whitening Option

Dental veneers double up as a permanent tooth whitening option. Your veneers will not get stained from drinking coffee or even smoking a cigarette. Dental veneers would be best if you want a resilient dental prosthetic option. Instead of whitening your teeth once a year, opt for this permanent solution.

7.   It Prevents Enamel Loss

Dental veneers are also an excellent treatment option for preventing enamel loss. It won't come back if your tooth enamel gets worn away (due to highly acidic foods, excessive tooth-brushing, or acid reflux disease). In such instances, you can use dental veneers as a more permanent and durable cosmetic option for replacing the lost enamel. 

Dental veneers camouflage the issue at hand (as opposed to removing your teeth). If you are looking for the best dental services in East Lansing, book a consult with East Lansing Modern Dental. Our experienced experts can take care of all your dental needs. Contact us today for more information!